
moment.parseZone(String, String)
moment.parseZone(String, [String])
moment.parseZone(String, String, Boolean)
moment.parseZone(String, String, String, Boolean)

Moment 的字符串解析函数(例如 moment(string)moment.utc(string))接受偏移量的信息(如果提供),但会将生成的 Moment 对象转换为本地或 UTC 时间。 相比之下,moment.parseZone() 解析字符串,但会将生成的 Moment 对象保持在固定偏移量的时区中(使用字符串中提供的偏移量)。

moment.parseZone("2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00").utcOffset(); // -780 (总分钟数 "-13:00")
moment.parseZone('2013 01 01 05 -13:00', 'YYYY MM DD HH ZZ').utcOffset(); // -780  (总分钟数 "-13:00")
moment.parseZone('2013-01-01-13:00', ['DD MM YYYY ZZ', 'YYYY MM DD ZZ']).utcOffset(); // -780  (总分钟数 "-13:00");


moment.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', true).utcOffset(); // -780  (总分钟数 "-13:00")
moment.parseZone("2013-01-01-13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', true).utcOffset(); // NaN (未通过严格性检查)
moment.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', 'fr', true).utcOffset(); // -780 (带有语言环境和严格性参数)
moment.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", ['DD MM YYYY ZZ', 'YYYY MM DD ZZ'], 'fr', true).utcOffset(); // -780 (带有语言环境和严格性参数以及格式的数组)

moment.parseZone 等效于解析字符串并使用 moment#utcOffset 解析区域。

var s = "2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00";
moment.parseZone(String, String)
moment.parseZone(String, [String])
moment.parseZone(String, String, Boolean)
moment.parseZone(String, String, String, Boolean)

Moment's string parsing functions like moment(string) and moment.utc(string) accept offset information if provided, but convert the resulting Moment object to local or UTC time. In contrast, moment.parseZone() parses the string but keeps the resulting Moment object in a fixed-offset timezone with the provided offset in the string.

moment.parseZone("2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00").utcOffset(); // -780 ("-13:00" in total minutes)
moment.parseZone('2013 01 01 05 -13:00', 'YYYY MM DD HH ZZ').utcOffset(); // -780  ("-13:00" in total minutes)
moment.parseZone('2013-01-01-13:00', ['DD MM YYYY ZZ', 'YYYY MM DD ZZ']).utcOffset(); // -780  ("-13:00" in total minutes);

It also allows you to pass locale and strictness arguments.

moment.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', true).utcOffset(); // -780  ("-13:00" in total minutes)
moment.parseZone("2013-01-01-13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', true).utcOffset(); // NaN (doesn't pass the strictness check)
moment.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', 'fr', true).utcOffset(); // -780 (with locale and strictness argument)
moment.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", ['DD MM YYYY ZZ', 'YYYY MM DD ZZ'], 'fr', true).utcOffset(); // -780 (with locale and strictness argument alongside an array of formats)

moment.parseZone is equivalent to parsing the string and using moment#utcOffset to parse the zone.

var s = "2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00";