
Moment.js 会为 Date 对象创建封装器,而不是修改本地的 Date.prototype。 若要获取此封装器对象,则只需使用一种受支持的输入类型调用 moment() 即可。

Moment 原型通过 moment.fn 公开。 如果要添加自己的函数,则可以在其中放置它们。

为了便于参考,Moment.prototype 上的任何方法都将会在文档中称为 moment#method。 因此 Moment.prototype.format == moment.fn.format == moment#format


  • moment(...) 是本地模式。不明确的输入(无偏移量)会被假定为本地时间。明确的输入(带偏移量)会被调整为本地时间。
  • moment.utc(...) 是 utc 模式。不明确的输入会被假定为 UTC。明确的输入会被调整为 UTC。
  • moment.parseZone() 会保持输入的区域被传入。如果输入不明确,则与本地模式相同。
  • moment.tz(...) 使用 moment-timezone 插件可以以特定的时区来解析输入。

记住,时区和时区偏移是两件事。 -08:00 的偏移量不一定意味着你处于美国太平洋时区。


Instead of modifying the native Date.prototype, Moment.js creates a wrapper for the Date object. To get this wrapper object, simply call moment() with one of the supported input types.

The Moment prototype is exposed through moment.fn. If you want to add your own functions, that is where you would put them.

For ease of reference, any method on the Moment.prototype will be referenced in the docs as moment#method. So Moment.prototype.format == moment.fn.format == moment#format.

Please read:

  • moment(...) is local mode. Ambiguous input (without offset) is assumed to be local time. Unambiguous input (with offset) is adjusted to local time.
  • moment.utc(...) is utc mode. Ambiguous input is assumed to be UTC. Unambiguous input is adjusted to UTC.
  • moment.parseZone() keep the input zone passed in. If the input is ambiguous, it is the same as local mode.
  • moment.tz(...) with the moment-timezone plugin can parse input in a specific time zone.

Keep in mind that a time zone and a time zone offset are two different things. An offset of -08:00 doesn't necessarily mean you are in the US Pacific time zone.

See the Parsing Guide for additional information.