
moment().weekday(); // 数字


如果语言环境将星期一指定为一周的第一天,则 moment().weekday(0) 将会是星期一。 如果星期日是一周的第一天,则 moment().weekday(0) 将会是星期日。

moment#day 一样,如果超出范围,则它将会冒泡到其他星期。

// 当星期一是一周的第一天时。
moment().weekday(-7); // 上个星期一
moment().weekday(7); // 下个星期一
// 当星期日是一周的第一天时。
moment().weekday(-7); // 上个星期日
moment().weekday(7); // 下个星期日
moment().weekday(); // Number

Gets or sets the day of the week according to the locale.

If the locale assigns Monday as the first day of the week, moment().weekday(0) will be Monday. If Sunday is the first day of the week, moment().weekday(0) will be Sunday.

As with moment#day, if the range is exceeded, it will bubble up to other weeks.

// when Monday is the first day of the week
moment().weekday(-7); // last Monday
moment().weekday(7); // next Monday
// when Sunday is the first day of the week
moment().weekday(-7); // last Sunday
moment().weekday(7); // next Sunday